What exactly is in Project 2025 and how does it affect Granite Staters and the future of the United States?
Project 2025 is a 922-page blueprint Heritage Foundation proposal written mostly by former staff of the Trump White House. It is a controversial interpretation of the role of President and the Executive branch of the government as currently defined in the Constitution. Many Congressional Republicans have lauded it, suggesting it should be put into effect by the next Republican President while Democratic leaders have reviled it as an end to our democracy and many of our basic freedoms.
There will be an abbreviated presentation of many of the key points of Project 2025 and then a chance for public comment and ask questions at the Dover Public Library on Thursday, September 5 from 6 to 8 PM in the upstairs meeting room. Admission is free. We do ask everyone to be respectful of others during the questions and comments portion of the program.
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About the author
James Fieseher, M.D. is a retired primary care physician in Dover, Hew Hampshire. Since retiring in 2020, he has been enjoying spending more time with family and volunteering for projects related to public health and wellness. Dr. Fieseher supports programs that promote health and education within our communities in hopes of bringing more jobs, security, and stability to New Hampshire – for his grandchildren and for generations to come.