Election 2024: Now is the time to act.

Election 2024: Now is the time to act.

A Statement From the Dover Democrats

This election is about much more than who is at the top of the ticket and whether you felt Biden had what it takes or that he should step aside, we share the same goal.

This election is about preserving democracy and defeating Project 2025. Here in NH it’s about winning the Governor’s office and flipping the House, the Senate, and the Executive Council. This does not change with the official announcement that President Biden will not seek re-election.

We must focus our efforts on sharing our personal stories as to why we will “Vote Blue” up and down the ticket this fall; about why it is so important that we do not have a second Trump term; and about how NH Republicans have truly become out of touch with not only NH residents, but also with reality.

We are one team in favor of democracy, supporting the freedoms and rights of all people, protecting and properly funding public education, increasing universal access to affordable and safe healthcare, keeping the president accountable for illegal actions, supporting and not imprisoning the unhoused, reforming immigration, and preserving and protecting our planet.

Now is the time for us to act.

There are a variety of ways that you can help:

We have a great slate of candidates running to serve Dover in the statehouse, including strong incumbents and energetic fresh faces. They’re preparing to kick off their campaigns now and the Dover Dems are behind them each step of the way, from hosting trainings to sponsoring mailings.

You can add your support now, at the ground level, by making a donation that will help our candidates power up heading into the Fall. First-time candidates can easily spend $1,400 for yard signs, postcards, and palm cards – the Dover Dems provides local candidates with reimbursements to help offset these campaign startup costs.

Make your contribution here to help us meet our goal of raising $10,000!

If you are not able to donate now, there are many other ways you can get involved:

  • The Strafford County Democrats (SCDC) have organized conversational canvassing efforts to meet and listen to our neighbors to better understand what’s important to them during this election cycle. The SCDC needs volunteers. For more information please contact Pat Gingrich [email protected] or Esther Turner [email protected].
  • Visit the Dover field office at 24 Chestnut Street, Suite 1, which is open Tuesday-Thursday 10a – 7p, Friday 10a-5p, Saturday 9a-5p, Sunday 11a-6p and take part in canvassing efforts happening every weekend. Future efforts will include phone banking and other non-canvassing activities as well. Our field organizer Quaye Terry can be reached at [email protected] or 603-866-4152.
  • The DDC and SCDC communications committees are working to create informational campaigns on Project 2025 and the actions of NH Republicans this last term. If you would like to learn more please contact Communications Chair Jodi Langellotti at [email protected].
  • The DDC Candidate Recruitment and Campaign Committee (CRCC) is actively supporting local area candidates and can use volunteers to serve in a number of different roles. For more information please contact Jan Nedelka [email protected].
  • SAVE THE DATE for the Michelle and Barack Gala, September 20, 2024, 6-11p at The Rivermill at One Washington St. Join us for food, cash bar, keynote speakers and music (6-9p), and the Rave Against Fascism dance party (9-11p). Tickets will be on sale the first week in August.

Most importantly, you can share information with your family, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances on the importance of getting out to vote and the realities of Project 2025 which aligns with both Trump’s plan (Agenda 47) and the Republican Party’s 2024 Platform.

Only together can we keep Trump out of office, defeat Project 2025, and save democracy.